Macro Calculator

This Macro Calculator estimates the protein, carbohydrate and fat calories needed to meet your calorie and macro goals.

The Macronutrient Calculator

The macro calculator calculates the number of calories you need from Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrate. Age, weight, height and sex are taken into account.

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients are the nutrients needed in large quantities. In comparison, micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals are needed in very small quantities.
There are three macronutrients that provide calories in the diet:(2)

  3. FAT

It is common for bodybuilders, sportspeople and athletes to manipulate the three macronutrients in such a way as to effect specific results in body composition while still meeting energy requirements.


For Macro PlanningMore calories are needed to process protein than to process carbohydrates or fat. Knowing this can be helpful when more calories are needed.
FunctionsCell repair and creation of new cells
Physical structures in the body including bones, muscle, skin, and blood(2)
Hormones and enzymes(2)
Growth and development (children, teenagers, pregnancy)(6)
SourcesSeafood, Meat, Poultry, Beans, Lentils, Nuts, Seeds, Soy
NutritionEating a variety of proteins has the advantage of increasing the range of micronutrients consumed such as magnesium, zinc and vitamins.
Govt AdviceMost Americans eat enough protein but US Government advice is to eat a wider range of proteins instead of focusing on meat and also to eat leaner cuts of meat and poultry when opting for meat/poultry(2)


Carbohydrates contribute to cell growth and are an important source of energy.
Carbohydrates include both simple and complex carbohydrates.

For Macro PlanningSimple carbohydrates are useful after a workout when the body needs a quick supply of energy.
Complex carbohydrates are useful when sustained energy is needed. Suited to meals before workouts.
FunctionsCarbohydrates contribute to cell growth and are an important source of energy
SourcesSimple carbohydrates – Sources include bananas, grapes, cereals, fruit juices
Complex carbohydrates – Sources include whole grains, sweet potato, fruits and vegetables, grains, lentils, beans(7)
NutritionWhen you eat complex carbohydrates you increase your intake of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber(7)


For macro planningWeight for weight, fat has more than double the amount of calories compared to carbohydrates and protein.
The extra calories can be helpful when bulking but can also contribute to unwanted weight gain.
FunctionsImportant for cell renewal and repair
Helps the body absorb fat soluble vitamins including vitamins A,D,E,K
Helps with brain health and mood, satiety, and energy
Important for skin and hair health
Helps in temperature regulation
SourcesSaturated fat – Sources include red meats, butter, eggs, coconut oil, and palm oil
Unsaturated fat – Sources include fish, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils
NutritionThe percentage of calories in the diet from fat is less important than the types of fat consumed. It is recommended to focus on unsaturated fats while limiting saturated ones(3) and avoiding trans fats (found in manufactured food products)(3)

Calories per Gram

MACRONUTRIENTApprox. calories
per gram

How to Convert Macros to Calories

1g of Carbohydrate = 4 Calories
200g of carbohydrate: 200g X 4 = 800 Calories

1g of Protein = 4 Calories
150g of protein: 150g X 4 = 600 Calories

1g of Fat = 9 Calories
66.67g of fat: 66.67g X 9 = 600 Calories

How to Convert Calories to Macros

4 Calories = 1g of Carbohydrate
800 Calories of carbs to : 800 k/cal / 4 = 200 grams

4 Calories = 1g of Protein
600 Calories of protein: 600 k/cal / 4 = 150 grams

9 Calories = 1g of Fat
600 Calories of fat: 600 k/cal / 9 = 66.67 grams

How to Convert Macro Calories to Percentages

Macro Calories divided by total daily Caloric needs (TDEE) = Macro percentage
Calories / TDEE  X 100 = Macro percentage %


A person requires 2000 calories a day.
During the day, they eat an allowance of 40% Carbohydrates, 30% Protein, and 30% fat.

Carb calories: 40% of 2000 = 800 kcal
Protein calories: 30% of 2000 = 600 kcal
Fat calories: 30% of 2000 = 600 kcal

Using the calorie to macro conversion

Carb in grams: 800 / 4 = 200g
Protein in grams: 600 / 4 = 150g
Fat in grams: 600 / 9 = 66.67g

Exceeding Macro Allotments

If an individual exceeds their allocated macronutrient intake, it results in an increase in total daily caloric intake unless compensating adjustments are made.

For instance, if a person’s macronutrient targets are set to consume 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat within a 2000 calorie diet, but they consume more carbohydrates than planned—resulting in an extra 200 calories—their macronutrient ratios and total calorie intake for the day will be affected.

To maintain their caloric goal, they would need to adjust their intake of other macronutrients or increase their physical activity to accommodate the excess.
