1 cm to Feet & Inches

1 cm =
0 Feet 0.39 Inches
Rounded to nearest Hundredths
Result for 1cm
Change cm

Height 1 cm

Rounded to nearest eighth of an inch:
0 feet 0 3/8 inches tall

Rounded to nearest quarter inch:
0 feet 0 1/2 inches tall

Rounded down to nearest quarter inch:
0 feet 0 1/4 inches tall

Conversions for 1 cm

  • 1cm = 0 feet 0.39370078740157 inches
  • 1cm = 0.032808398950131 feet
  • 1cm = 0.03281 feet
  • 1cm = 0.3937 inches
  • 1cm = 0.01 meters

Conversion Table

Nearest Quarter Inch Height

Height ftHeight cm
-1 ft 11.5"-1.27 cm
-1 ft 11.75"-0.635 cm
0 ft 0"0 cm
0 ft 0.25"0.635 cm
0 ft 0.5"1.27 cm
0 ft 0.75"1.905 cm

Increasements of 0.1cm

Height ftHeight cm
1 cm0 ft 0.3937"
1.1 cm0 ft 0.4331"
1.2 cm0 ft 0.4724"
1.3 cm0 ft 0.5118"
1.4 cm0 ft 0.5512"
1.5 cm0 ft 0.5906"
1.6 cm0 ft 0.6299"
1.7 cm0 ft 0.6693"
1.8 cm0 ft 0.7087"
1.9 cm0 ft 0.748"
How to work out 1 cm into feet
1cm ÷ 30.48
= 0.032808398950131 Feet

How to work out 1 cm into Feet and Inches
1cm ÷ 30.48 = 0.032808398950131 Feet only

Now take the decimal portion of the feet and convert into inches

0.032808398950131 x 12 = 0.39370078740157
= 0' 0.39"
(Rounded nearest 0.00)


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  1. Formula: cm ÷ 30.48 = Feet
  2. Formula: 1 cm = 0.3937 inches
  3. Formula: 1 Foot = 12 inches