Feet & Inches in Inches

This calculator converts feet & inches to total inches.

Converting Feet & Inches to Inches

Feet and inches to inches is a common conversion for height and measuring various items in a system used mainly in the United States, the United Kingdom, and a few other countries. This guide and calculator will help you in the process of converting feet (ft) and inches (in) to inches.

Understanding the Units

Feet & Inches: Feet and inches are units of length in the customary and imperial systems used primarily in the United States, the United Kingdom, and a few other countries. One foot comprises 12 inches.

Inches: The inch is a small unit of length. There are 12 inches in a foot, so converting between feet and inches and just inches is essential for those using the imperial system.

How to Convert Feet & Inches to Inches

The process of converting feet and inches to inches is two step process:

  1. Convert Feet to Inches: Since 1 foot = 12 inches, you can convert feet to inches by multiplying the number of feet by 12.
    Formula: Total inches from feet = Feet x 12
  2. Add the Inches: After converting feet to inches, add the given inches to get the total inches.
    Formula: Total inches = (Feet x 12) + Inches

Complete Formula:

Total inches = (Feet x 12) + Inches

Example: How to Convert 6 Feet 1.25 Inches to Inches:

  1. Convert 6 feet to inches: 6 feet x 12 = 72 inches
  2. Add the 1.25 inches: 72 inches + 1.25 inches = 73.25 inches

6 feet 1.25 inches is equivalent to 73.25 inches.

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  1. 12 inches in a Foot
  2. Formula: (Foot x 12) + Inches = Total Inches